Tuesday, December 15


I have watched the Mark Sanford saga with a high degree of trepidation like all South Carolinians. In reflecting on this matter the subject of southern honor comes to my mind most frequently.  Being raised in the South like Mark and Jenny I understand full well the meaning of the word as do they both I am sure in their heart of hearts.  Mark had the opportunity when this matter first became exposed publicly to do the right thing, admit his mistakes, ask for forgiveness, and then act with honor and remove himself from office without hesitation. He chose not to. No state employee no matter how low or high their pay grade who conducted himself in a similar manner would have had a job to go back to, why then should the chief executive of the State of South Carolina be any different.  He instead subjected the entire state including his supporters like myself, to a shameful display of self centered pride and ego gone wild. His concern was first and foremost for himself, not for his constituency, his family, nor the future of his State.  Jenny had the opportunity as well to act honorably by choosing not to write a tell all book and lament her marital problems publicly on national television. She could have retreated from public life with honor and gentility in the attempt to heal her marriage, family, personal hurt and anguish without allowing her ego and loss of pride to take center stage. It is truly sad that both of them despite all the damage that has happened still fail to seemingly understand that while their personal lives are of no one's concern and certainly we all have sinned and are without perfection, it their own actions coupled with a single minded unwillingness to look beyond themselves and their personal self interests that has put the good and honorable name of South Carolina and her people through the proverbial mud. Perhaps one day they will both come to realize that leadership and privilege has it's price and no one should aspire to it without the willingness to bear it

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